LGBTQ+ Diversity Equity & Inclusion – VIRTUAL
June 21, 2025
8:30 am – 12:00 pm

LGBTQ+ Diversity Equity & Inclusion – VIRTUAL

LGBTQ+ workshop is a three-hour workshop with content area of general ceus. It is for undergraduate as well as master level social workers. People who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) are members of every community, and include people of all races and ethnicities, all ages, all faiths and socioeconomic statuses, and from all parts of the country. Whether we identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community, as friends, colleagues, and/or as service providers, social workers are key allies in the vital efforts to ensure wellness, safety, and equity for all LGBTQ+ people. •Social workers have a responsibility to promote policies, laws, and programs that affirm, support, and value LGBTQ+ individuals, families, and communities. (NASW 2022)


  • Participants will have an increased understanding of the literature based on verifiable research on LGBTQ++
  • Participants will learn to recognize their biases (if any) towards the LGBTQ+ population and how such biases may impact services delivery
  • Participants will learn the language and norms of the LGBTQ+ community
  • Participants will be able to recognize the daily stressors that LGBTQ+ population experiences
  • Participants will learn to identify the various categories of transgender population
  • As a result of this training participants will be aware of the need for social advocacy addressing oppression and other systemic issues facing this community.

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