Historical Trauma Among African Americans & Native Americans – VIRTUAL
February 8, 2025
8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Historical Trauma Among African Americans & Native Americans – VIRTUAL

This presentation is for all social workers, both graduate and undergraduate. There is some cultural, clinical and general content. The attendees will be provided three hours of ceus (cultural- general hours). The instructor hopes to inform social work clinicians of the historical injuries that have occurred to communities of color in America and how these often-untreated injuries show up in our communities and our clinic. Currently in America there are efforts to erase and silenced what has occurred by banning books and teachings of our nations racial and traumatic history which makes it a social justice issue as these individuals show up in our practice with these injuries. Social injustices and oppression are forms of violence, and violence is a traumatizing factor. Social injustices, overt or covert, impose a heavy weight and require a lot of physical, emotional, and psychological energy simply to endure them.


  • Participants will be challenged to increase their understanding of Historical & Racial Trauma and its impact on clients.
  • We will learn what these injuries look like in practice settings.
  • Participants will explore research findings and APA considerations in terms of treatment and self-care for clinicians.
  • Explore how Racial Trauma differs from PTSD.
  • Discuss the impact of Historical and Racial Trauma on victims and larger society.
  • Review of Braveheart research on the impact of trauma on Native Americans to this present time.
  • Discuss how Historical and Racial Trauma is passed down intergenerationally (epigenetics).
  • Discussion on how to be an Ally for oppressed communities to eliminate racism.
  • Participants will be encouraged to participate in discussing historical trauma narratives, to claim injuries and to address these issues as they arise in clinical settings.
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